guusd Command Help Guide

The following is a detailed explanation of each command available in guusd:

Blockchain and Block Info Commands

alt_chain_info [blockhash]

Displays information about the alternative blockchain or fork, using the specified block hash to locate the relevant data.


Checks if blockchain pruning is enabled. Pruning removes old blocks to save space, and this command verifies its current status.


Shows the current difficulty for mining or generating new blocks in the network.


Displays information about the current or upcoming hard forks, including activation heights and fork parameters.

Prints blockchain data between two block heights. Specify begin_height and optionally end_height to define the range.

Prints detailed information about a specific block using its hash or height.

Prints the total sum of coinbase transactions from the given starting block height for a specified number of blocks.

Shows the quorum state for the specified block height in the blockchain frame.

Displays the required frame information at a specific block height.

Displays the current height of the blockchain.

Peer and Connection Commands

ban <IP> [<seconds>]

Bans the specified IP address for the given duration in seconds. If no duration is provided, the ban is permanent.


Lists all banned IPs in the network.

in_peers <max_number>

Sets the maximum number of inbound peers your node can accept.

out_peers <max_number>

Sets the maximum number of outbound peers your node will connect to.

unban <IP>

Removes the ban from a specific IP address, allowing it to connect again.

Transaction and Pool Commands

flush_txpool [<txid>]

Flushes the transaction pool. Optionally, specify a transaction ID to flush a specific transaction.

output_histogram [@<amount>] <min_count> [<max_count>]

Displays a histogram of outputs, optionally filtered by amount (@<amount>) and count ranges (min_count, max_count).


Prunes the blockchain to save disk space, removing old or unnecessary blocks.

relay_tx <txid>

Relays a specific transaction (txid) to the network.

Prints the current state of the transaction pool, showing all unconfirmed transactions.

Shows the transaction pool in a "short" format, displaying a more concise view of unconfirmed transactions.

Displays statistics for the transaction pool, such as the number of transactions and total size.

Mining and Registration Commands

start_mining <addr> [<threads>] [do_background_mining] [ignore_battery]

Starts mining with the specified wallet address. Optionally, specify the number of threads, whether to do background mining, and whether to ignore battery status when determining whether to mine.


Stops the mining process.


Prepares the system for registration. This might be part of a staking or registration procedure.

Status and Synchronization Commands


Shows synchronization information, including the current sync status and how far behind or ahead your node is compared to the network.


Displays the general status of the node, including uptime, connection status, and more.

Prints detailed status information about the current node's health and activity.


Stops the guusd daemon and shuts down the node.


Saves the current state of the system or blockchain data.


Starts the process to save data for graphing or analytics purposes.


Stops the data saving process initiated by start_save_graph.

Log and Debugging Commands

set_log <level>|<{+,-,}categories>

Sets the log level or adjusts logging categories. This command controls the verbosity and focus of log output, helping with debugging.


Displays high-level runtime statistics, such as the number of blocks processed and other key metrics.


Hides high-level runtime statistics from being displayed.

Update and Version Commands

update (check|download)

Checks for available updates or downloads the latest version of the software.


Displays the current version of the guusd daemon.

Miscellaneous Commands


Exits the guusd daemon and terminates the current session.

help [<command>]

Provides help for a specific command or displays general help. You can specify a command to get detailed information about it.

pop_blocks <nblocks>

Removes the last nblocks from the blockchain. This is typically used for testing or reversion of recent blocks.

limit [<kB/s>]

Limits the bandwidth used by the node. Optionally, specify the rate in kilobytes per second. This controls the node's data usage.

limit_down [<kB/s>]

Limits the download rate for the node. Specify a value in kilobytes per second.

limit_up [<kB/s>]

Limits the upload rate for the node. Specify a value in kilobytes per second.